Tuesday 23 January 2007

4 training days till Cresc

Last night I was meant to go to the board. The honey monster had the day off though, so I went home first, and she decided not to go to the gym. As I didnt want to be out of the house for 3 hours I went for a run. Ran my new circuit (will post a map cut out) which is 4.97km in 27minutes. It is cross country before you say thats slow. Anyway, that means tonight is the last board session before Cresciano. This is a minor inconvienience as Wednesday I climb with TC at leeds. If I have already climbed tonight, there is a chance I will be rubbish and tired - but the moral of the day is to focus. So when I go tonight I will have bigger rests and just try my new harder project. Imagine the psyche effect if it goes down before Cresc!
Additionally, the snake pass was shut this morning, so she is working from home. I know she is not going to the gym today, hopefully she wont mind my going to the board for a bit. Ulp.

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