Tuesday, 30 January 2007

More stories of failure

Disappointed, went back to chironico again today.

Warmed up on a problem I thought was called sloper attacke (it was in blochart) and then had a look at something called the shield. Did the top of the real shield, but don't think I did the first move, which seemed to be about 8b to even pull on. Only got 7c mind.

When warm walked over to le pilier. on the first go of the day I blazed to the top with one finger taped and I jumped and I hit the sloper below the top jug and bailed! No! Had another go and got to the top again but had started to open another hole in another finger. Now that's gutting.

Sacked it as with two fingers taped it didn't feel good, felt like I was creeping on the holds. Walked down to serre moi forte. Had a look and it seemed well hard. Emailed tc and I think I know what had to do but felt a bit deflated and didn't really try too hard. Walked back to the birds and Raindogs to meet james. Pulled on and did the birds first go but bumped ass into a bloc nearby (its a big ass) so waited a bit and did it again shortly after.

James and I walked back to le Pilier but no more progress was made. Went back out to soucoupe roof for james to finish vitruvian man. It looked like it was within grasp but evaded him and we sacked iT home. I had horrific stomach cramps from the red bull. It might work for bernd, but it didn't work for me!

So, feel a bit frustrated more than disappointed, as know now more than ever that am capable, but skin may well prevent sending it. Feel strong in the fingers as have done some easier stuff really fast and with no fuss. Should really have got this done. Gonna leave it tomorrow and see how the fingers recover. Poo and wee.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep battleing on Ben. As you say, you have the know how, just need a bit of luck so keep the faith. If in doubt, sack off Chironico and get that Kirk Windfarm done, or Dreamtime stand (shouldnt be too bad on the tips perhaps?)

Good luck guys!