Thursday 29 March 2007

Quick placeholder post

Apologies for the lack of postings on this 'ere blog of late! the week before this I climbed like un sac de merde and codfinger was bad, so there wasnt really anything to report, and I am always reticient to keep harping on about all that is bad in the world, so I didnt write anything at all!

I have gotten back from Cornwall this lunchtime and have had a lovely time. I took loads of pics and am going to write our little adventure up and post it over the weekend. So, this is just a placeholder post to say hi and that I am back!

Before I forget, the week before I climbed Tuesday at the board and was rubbish, then I climbed thursday with James at the foundry and again, was rubbish. Man, codfinger felt well sore after finishing at the foundry! James showed me a really fun wood problem on the barrel and I got all psyched and was trying to hard for someone with codfingers. Entered into discussion on campus boards and all agreed 1-4-7 at the school is the only place it counts. Managed it starting on 1-4 at the foundry. James thinks this is harder than the school - its not! Saturday I went back to the board and put on a new rung at 7.6. This means I can now train 2-5-7.6 to get so I can do 2-5-8 all the time.

Anyway, then on Sunday we went to cornwall and it was great. More on that later. I am going to the works to get rid of some of this bloat!