Wierd weekend in weather stakes! Friday stopped in as the monster was ill, then Saturday AM went and picked up the shiny new car! dead dead dead excited! absolutely love it to bits! its quiet, comfy yet fast and fun to drive - fantastic. Here it is - better pic to come...

Got clear of the garage at about 1200 and found excuses to go out in it! She was really full of cold I packed her off to bed and zipped out to Burbage. Did some warming up and legged it down to Zaff Skowclayz (!!!!sp????) which is a really nice feature just at the end of what can be called BBG north. Starting lying down with both hands in a big pocket, you lurch right wards to take this big ramp thing with your right hand. then the heel goes to the left hand and you come in to the arete with your left, I bumped my left again to a seam and shuffled the right hand up the big ramp. Now I dont really know what I was supposed to do here and kept dropping it at this point. Pulled on to this position and stuck right heel round on the bottom of the ramp and sort of rocked into it whilst pasting the left on the bottom of the arete, then I lunged up and right to a sharp and good sloper on the lip - from here its pretty steady. Did it from sitting pretty fast but didnt make the link on this visit. Headed back home and started to feel snotty myself.
Should really have been out for Aaron's birthday on the evening, but with a poorly piglet and my feeling pretty bunged I bailed out. Felt guilty but rang Aaron to tell him. Tsk. Poor show morton! Figured he didnt want a cold as a birthday pressie! Watched Nicolas Cage in Ghostrider - 5 out of 10. Probably better if you are a fan of the comic books or something, some very poor acting!
Sunday and I felt much better for having had a long sleep although still a bit headachey and wierd. Found more excuses to drive the car in circles and did some shopping. Ran into James in the evening at the petrol station - apparently Kudos is mint! he did the Press! huzzah! sendage all round (the other Sendage being Jon doing James Pearsons roof thing at eastwood)! Flurries of snow and hail persisted through the day and I cleaned the house and braised lamb shanks. Got fully drunk on red wine, have spent much of today feeling rather hazy. Am not training tonight, will be Tuesday and thursday instead. Next week, she and I going to cornwall from Sunday to Wednesday - am well psyched...
Wot no new blog of dob?? I am lost without it!
James, sis you text me about going to the Foundry last night? I have a cold (grrreat) and my index finger is still a bit odd after bursting a blood vessel in it last weekend. Have clibed since and its sort of OK, but goes cold and numb every so often and the bruising was a sight to behold.
Might head up to Yorks tomorrow to get some volume in. Have fun in Cornwall Ben. There should be some swell about if you are on the north coast and fancy a dip in the ocean.
Indeed, ou e la vundermule?
Might see you in Yorkshire tommorow Ed. Was thinking Caley, but after todays drizzle I reckon I might go try Jason's Roof up at Crookrise instead
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