Just a quickie - this weekend has been rubbish. I have been working both days and havent done anything entertaining or fun. On friday the cat bought me a live mouse. I managed to separate cat from mouse and set the little fella free. Quite cute he was, except that it would be perverse to keep a cat and a mouse in the house I would have quite liked to have kept him. Here is a pic :

As you can see, he was rescued in a pint pot. Were I more of a man I would probably have picked him up but I was thinking about getting bitten and contracting hideous mouse disease.
We had some mice once. They seemed cute at first and then one ate a hole in my new Moon climbing sack, stole a strepsil and left poo in my chalk bag, so I bought some traps and some cheese (and some duck tape to fix my bag....) and killed 5 of them in the loft. Sweet.
Wow - that mouse must have had a bad cold if it went for the strepsils. Imagine if human strepsils were relatively sized, the disk would be waist high from the ground. I dont like my chances of sucking it (the strepsil).
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