Friday 8 June 2007

The weekend cometh

More a speculative post about whats coming, rather than, as usual - a report on some lacklustre flailing at the tor. But first a microreport on lacklustre flailing, without which this blog would not be what it is.
Went to the works yesterday and did some fun problems. Have come round to thinking that its better to do some easy problems and get up them on my 'volume session' / 2nd day on. There's no point trying really hard as I haven't recovered from wednesday nights tor session, but can have great time doing a circuit. But is this doing me any good? is there any point in bimbling around doing problems well below my limit? its fun and it will give me new engrams, but it's not going to make me stronger. But then, stronger isn't everything! Talking of which, there's a hilarious thread on t'interweb where the age old battle between the "training is bad" and "training is good" rears its head.,7446.0.html
On to this coming weekend. I will be climbing on Sunday. I am worried about this UKB North wales meet.,7383.0.html I wonder how many people will actually go? The cynical part of me wonders if it’s a self promotion vehicle for CJD? I mean, you could see it that he's engineered a group of acolytes to fawn over him all weekend. Now, I have never met him and most people that have seem to think he is lovely, friendly and very nice and so on, but he does seem to go for self promotion when he has climbed hard things, and that troubles me a bit. Perhaps its a sponsors thing (sure he must be sponsored?) and he has to do it for them, but I value modesty over strength. Probably deeply unfair and as I say, I have never met him.
If the cave is going to be very busy, I wonder whether its even worth going. The holds in that cave need to rest between climbers. If you've got 25 R-mans scrabbling over them the whole place will be useless in half an hour! That said, its gfoing to be Sunday and they will likely be up late and hungover. If its raining (and they have a long way to get home), some of them will probably sack it when they get up. Plus, the Cave is an aquired taste. I dont know anything about the level of the people who will be going to the meet, but its fairly hardcore and not to everyones taste.
In my old age I don’t like having an audience. I want my friends there and noone else. That’s when it happens best for me, not in front of a crowd of gimps. I realise I am being an ar5e but I feel like I want to rebel against climbing becoming mainstream. Its my fun, and I liked it better when it was leftfield and noone else got it! Now its in the bloody telegraph for gods sake!


Paul Bennett said...

I absoloutely hate this anti training mindset that is JB and AndiT, its quite this simple:
All trained, all can/could do a one arm, name someone better? Its bollocks, Its the "I don't train and i'm good" mindset wher realistically in the grand scheme of things theyre miles off, read power of climbing, written in 199god knows Moon himself states that Hubble isn't that hard anymore.
Anyway volume won't make you strong, get back up the board while you still can.
Sorry if this is a little aggressive/incoherent I have just finished my degree and have celebrated a little with cider.

pascal said...

ha ha ha.

But on a more "north wales is going to be filled with punters" note, there is word of a secret crew (currently Jim and I) going to a secret place (longridge) on sunday afternoon. Ditch north wales... You don't want to be hanging out with UKB punters. Come hang out with the 1 armer club (Jim SAYS he can, but it's unconfirmed)

Unknown said...

i like the cave. i need to go back and do rockattrocity. lou ferrino looks amazing. need to do some more of those routes...