Thursday, 28 August 2008

Parryband, pub brawling and chipshop madness.

My meeting finished as promised, on the dot of 1600 with the promise of a further follow up meeting to look forward to. I don't mind really I suppose, one has to flex like a reed in the wind etc. I blazed a trail back to sheff with the intention of going to Rubicon, but, on the way, i had two phone calls. The first, from the monster suggested that as she was going out tonight, that I should not climb and we should do something. An awkward moment, I'd been looking forward to getting some fresh air all day, so suggested she join me and we try the Red Lion in Litton as a reward for her coming out. She agreed! blimey. The other call was from Ed and Chris who were on their way back in after flagellating themselves and getting nowhere on their respective projects.

With only limited time and no belayer I decided to try to crush the powerband again. This, as you know, has been my barometer of rehabilitation. And, despite Stone's best efforts to the contrary, I managed to do Parryband (reaching past the last move) and delightfully, it felt easy. What we can learn from this is that both Powerband is a knack and that I am pretty much back on it. Good. Stone and I investigated Kristian's direct start on Wild in me. This is both good, and has a long move to finish. We both climbed to the hard move several times, but neither managed more than a slap at the Wild in me edge. Quite a good little problem this, rather than using the big flake out right, one starts as for Ru's route gains the left hand edge with the right, then uses a rubbish edge for the left to reach into the wild in me edge with the right. Probably 7b/7b+?

Little Monster is getting bored, and, with another day to try we pack up and head off to the Red Lion. Its well busy, theres a wait on for food and nowhere to sit. A nice man offers us a seat at his table, and we sit for the duration of our drinks, then a grumpy bitch comes in and exclaims 'oh, I was sitting there', well, you didnt leave anything on the chair, someone offered and there were no drinks on the table. She plonks herself down practically on the Honey monster and glares at me. I smile as sweetly as possible and observe as the monster's heckles go up. Who slows her rate of drink consumption so as to maximise the interuption to this narky old dog. They leave, and as soon as they have, so do we. We mean to go to the Stoney chippy, but its 19:57 and therefore shut. Ridiculous. We drive back to Sharrowvale road and go to Two steps.

Tonight, JLS is going to the tor, Jon to Rubicon and Andy to ring me. I will probably go to the Tor first and aim to meet Jon at Rubicon later.


Stuart Littlefair said...

Tonight the little team will also be at Rubicon. We shall doff our caps at you when you arrive...

Stuart Littlefair said...

no we won't. the lady has just sliced her finger with a breadknife...

joe said...


bonjoy said...

She didn't miss much, The Sissy was soaked and the dark clouds made it hard to see much in the trees anyway.