Lots of people have picked the rubber off, and I hear varing tales of nightmarish devotion to this task. Anyway, I spoke to UK fiveten man and he suggested the following, which enabled me to de rubber mine in about 5 minutes (for both shoes) :
Using a pair of long nose pliers, pinch the edge of the rubber at the pointyest bit. Pull at it until there is enough to get a grip on. using the very end of the pliers roll the rubber on itself and you can easily peel it away in a oner.
Now you can use the rubber as a handy stick on stealth sideburn :

Aaaa.....I wondered how Bentely sorted those 'pork chops' out for his section in Hard Grit.
Christened my new Evolv shoes on the grit. Early indications are positive. Feel sticky as stealth and the chicks from a visiting University Ramblers club dig the colour.
Is that Nibile in the photo?
there could be some resemblance, sideburns wise, but there's no way i'll ever enter dobbin's bedroom!
if only one could still buy V10's...
apparently so - I heard they are stopping making them? I will have to ask for the official line on this!
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