Monday 9 March 2009

Low Power

The deal always was that if the weather was ok we wouldnt be going to the comp. And the weather was ok, so we didnt. Ed and I met at Gardoms just after nine. Had the crag to ourselves at first, it felt a bit like I was letting someone down not doing the comp, but it was with good reason - actual climbing. Both of us made progress on Full Power. Really, we both have a move to do, but Ed is closer. For me it feels like its a big ask, its not that I'm nearly doing it - I'm not. I'd need good skin, conditions and perhaps even to be shown the move I cant do in order to succeed, and I dont think the planets will align before its too warm.
This, of course, is wholly the wrong attitude. Think you wont and you wont. Think you will and you will. In fact, not even 'think', it should be 'know'. If you approach something you want to do not expecting to do it, but hoping that luck will get you through - you won't succeed. This is what Jerry was talking about, mental strength is 90% of the battle. So Keith, if you are still reading - I dont want to read that time is running out, that you are running out of strength, skin, whatever - I want to read that you marched up to Gecko assis with the intention of tearing it a new asshole!
Talking of tearing things, Ed and I waited until Rob, Will and Kerry appeared to disappear off to Low Rider. To be honest, it was warming up at Gardoms and there were midges about. Low rider is mega, very exposed and consequently freezing. Almost on his first go Dr Pinch gouged himself and started bleeding - game over. I felt like I could it. We worked out a sequence and I went into redpointing mode, but didnt suceed - this time. Its a great problem, but I can see why Jon said wait until its warmer. We got a bit too cold really, and it was impossible to stay warm enough to summon the force. But, with it warming up its good to have another project which can hope with an increase in temps.
Props to Mr Fullwood for having the vision (and time) to quest around finding new things, working out a sequence and cleaning them.

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