Anyway, I honestly believed/had convinced myself that I was going to do Trigger Cut last night. I didn't. On the way in it chucked it down, and although not directly wet, there are now wet holds and seepage patches in the cave. As soon as we landed, I could feel the increase in temp in the air, which was totally still. The session felt like it went quickly, and my skin went from fine, to thin, to hurty over what felt like a very short period.
I never even held the undercut. Slapped into it a couple of times, but whereas the week before I was all over that move, this week I had gone backwards. But its because the holds didnt feel as good, and I wasn't camped out on them as I was then. So it's fine, I'm not going to loose sleep over it, although that may well be the last visit until after the wedding. We shall see what opportunities the summer presents...
Team A included Dylog, Mina, Nacho and I. We got busted doing 60 in a 50 on the way in, and thanks to officer dibble being A) in a riot van and B) on his own, we escaped with a bollocking. Team B had on board Si Wilson, Worm and of course, the hamlord himself - the mighty Jim. Jim was tired, having broken his wrist earlier in the week, and being up all night with a baby. In spite of doing a lot of moves, none of them added up to a problem, and aside from the normal lap running on Clever Beaver he did nothing new. Si Wilson and Worm were a hilarious double act. Worm did Rockattrocity on his final go, which paved the way for Mina. She stepped up and dispatched. Not without having to work for her tick - on one go she climbed right to the end, got one hand to the finishing hold in control but couldn't match! Thankfully she pulled it off on her next attempt.
Dylog and Si Wilson tried Lou Ferrino, but the unordered and conflicting shouted beta from me and Jim caused only confusion, and flumping onto pads having forgotten what they were supposed to be doing, or missing moves out. Three times I climb all of broken heart, getting to variously the last or finishing moves but wilting. I am pleased with this, having never linked this much before, but I'd got my heart set on trigger cut. Ah well.
On the way out we stop at a fish shop by a tram stop. I can certainly vouch for its being better than Tribells. Which is rubbish. This chippy provides me with perhaps the best fried fish I have yet eaten. There's something very 'on holiday' about being in 'dudno. I don't want to live there (because that would be like being permanently on holiday), but I feel at ease there. More laughing was done than sending, but thats ok. I have a video of Mina doing RockAttrocity, which I will upload (hopefully) today.

So, thats it until Magic Wood. Jim and Worm (both of whom went on Sam's stag last year) reckon it is full board at the bunkhouse. Which would explain the price, and to be honest would be a great thing. I am well looking forward to it.
f*ck off!
COME ON! well psyched for the trip!
At least I don't drive a chavy Astra
I can't believe Jim's wrist stayed in that position long enough for you to take a photo.
crush the wood
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