I took Thursday off work. Had holiday that had to be used up by the end of the year, so figured I would put it to good use and go to Rubicon. You'll probably think me insane for trying, but I had to go and look. However, its rained a lot recently and the crag was completely flooded. Dammit.

Go and have a flail on Jerry's, but get a cold numb pump. Drive off to Calver crossroads for egg and chips and then finish the day up at Curbar.
Early in the day I was thinking about going to look at brutal arete at Stanton moor, but I had heard it was high and then I remembered walk on by at Curbar, which is a problem I would super like to do. However, I left it too late in the day and just did strawberries and trackside, then gorilla warfare and early doors. Had a lovely day out. Bit frustrated at Tsunami, but I think the water level might recede and it might not be over yet... Am even considering investing in wellies and a tarp, and doing it with some kind of floating start...

1 comment:
i like alot the foolish effort of going and check stanage out, evennif after alot of rain.
i'm here, in front of the telly, typing. i'd rather be on my van, driving to sasso, for a dawn patrol on my project.
the only thing that kept me from going is that tomorrow there may be alot of snow, and i can't afford to skip work tomorrow afternoon, getting stuck at the boulders 150 kms away.
very very depressed.
have some waddage for trying anyway, dob!!!
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