Thursday 7 February 2008


Blimey. Had my first session back last night. It's rather different climbing at the wall to climbing outside - more physical. I enjoy climbing on the works' comp wall - it is good, but its totally different to climbing outside. Even compared to roof climbing, the holds are smaller outside and the comp wall is more gymnastic. Probably mutually exclusive too. Felt boxed after two hours trying the new problems, managed a couple of the Black Pearl's scarpa affairs but waned fast - indoor fitness clearly lacking. Strong but unconditioned to indoor action.
The current crop of problems on the comp wall are really quite good. Talking about the black pearl's probs - they are just like a BBC (british bouldering competition), some are shared problems for both men and women to attempt, of the ones of these I tried, I flashed. The men only ones are the next level so I fell off these, expending all my energy until all that was left of me was a crumpled heap on the mats. Hung out with that Boreal sponsored euro dude (turns out to be spanish) who is over learning english. What a nice chap. Can do a bit too. Chatted to Ed and to Aaron, both of whom were in good spirits. Typically, it gets busier and busier around 6pm. I was pretty much beaten by then and jetted at 1930 - a good hour after it would have been prudent to leave.
We are looking after our friends Si and Diane's cat Magic at the moment, so I popped in to feed him on the way home. I dont know why I'm imparting this essential information to you, save that it highlights that our cat Heidi is definately a psycho. Magic will come and sit on you and purr, whereas Heidi is mercenary and only wants to kill stuff. She is better looking though.
The works' incomprehensible but charming manager Brian has bought the old PlanetFear server, which is to be reconditioned and turned into the works super server. So that's been removed to the development lab for its makeover - my cellar. Managed to squirrel it in before collecting the littlest honey monster from the Ball (drunk). Fed her, made her drink water and put her in bed.
Its another nice day in LS28 today. I have just been out to Caley (wet) and Almscliffe (pretty dry). I was walloped from last night and everything felt hard. Had pitiful attempt on keel, getting right hand to the hole thing but wilting unable to top out. Dismal. Having tomorrow off.

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