Monday, 9 June 2008

Wild man

I've felt increasingly tired through the latter half of last week - culminating in being exhausted on Friday. We were in bed at 2130, and the alarm for Saturday morning breakfast club (0800) was all too soon. Read a text from the Baron - not coming, too tired. Contemplated sacking it mesen like, but pushed on and got a life giving cup of tea on the go. The Baron rang and announced he too was feeling more awake and would be joining me after all. Got to the Tor just after 9, and found a cast of regulars, and... the eastern europeans sleeping in a car again - keen. Warmed up with Sharples, chatted to Jules and Stu and laughed with Stone. Trundled off to the powerband and did the last move. Had a moment, and did the move again. Hmm. Went to the start, but for some reason found myself climbing PowerHumps instead. Crushed it and focussed attention on Staminaband. Felt altogether more composed than last year - a bit stronger and better able to do the moves perhaps? anyway, didn't feel I had the stamina to properly attempt it, which is quite interesting to say that I have been doing more routes and so on, but I suppose this isnt really a stamina issue, its a power endurance one. And that, clearly, I havent got. The Baron turns up and I clipstick up Wild in me in my flip flops. I have been on it before, and I did climb from the bottom to the top, but it was on a topper. I note the holds, place all the clips and lower off. He has a go, can't remember what to do and its me. I find a way and get up to the top of the face section, but I wimp out of doing the move and climb back down to the bolt. Why I'm being such a ponce I dont know. Definately having a shit house few weeks of being un brave. Anyway, get it on the next go and head home. No climbing throughout rest of weekend. Got drunk with the outlaws on Sat night, and felt achey and dreadful all day yesterday. Thought I must be hungover,  but still feel achey today.
So, this week. Not climbing over the coming weekend, as its the monsters birthday weekend. Planned to climb tonight, and as the day goes on I feel better and better, so perhaps I will, but otherwise, was planning to rest tomorrow and possibly work from home on weds, then head out peakwards mid afternoon. Perhaps to WCJ Cornice? Thursday will depend on what happened Weds, i.e. if I've been at home on Weds I'll come in on Thurs, and might go to leeds wall for a couple of hours at lunch...


Slap Holds! said...

I'm keen this week. Finished most of my work off so in need to some action. Cornice sounds good. Free Monster?

Check out this link to Turkey Dips. Looks v.good.

Joseph said...

The Baron? THE BARON? Do you really go climbing with the Baron or is there, like, an imposter out there?

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