The reason for the deposit is to gauge interest. If noone pays, theres no point looking for a new home, as its obvious noone cares. We expect to widen membership to 40 places, and will be asking members to suggest others who would be prepared to pay to join. THis should absorb the 10 on the waiting list.
It was also obvious from the meeting the reason they only sell Leffe in halves. Seb got leathered! The scarf belongs to the honey monster, who joined the party after the meeting. Ben moon and Andy Cave turned up at about 10pm and Seb crawled across the pub to greet them, as only Seb can. We put him in a taxi at the end of the night.
I was hung over on Saturday and spent the day being stupid and knocking into things. Saturday morning Tor club was cancelled as a result, and because we had a lunch arrangement at 1215. Went to the works in the afternoon. Didnt climb on the comp wall at all (because I didnt think I would be up to it) and had a suprising amount of fun on the other surfaces. The 'training' wall has been reset and was actually quite good too. I do still think it wants to be steeper, but it was good to hang out somewhere else for a change. Barbecued Saturday night before going out to a bar called Penelopes for a birthday party. Feeling supersonic after gin and tonics, there was reggae, dubstep, roots, house music, techno, soul, jungle - loads of stuff. However, whilst I enjoy each of these genres individually, the selection was so eclectic it changed every other record which was hard work from the dancefloor. Fair enough - play what you want and by all means mix it up, but when the style changes so dramatically every few minutes it leaves the punters lost. Anyway, I got a cab home at 0300 but didnt have any money. The people I was sharing with got out at broomhill so I got that far with no money. Started walking home - quite boring, so decided to run. Cant run in flip flops so decided to carry them, the pavement was hurting my feet, and the road was quiet and I reasoned that running down the white line would be nice and smooth. It was but this meant I had to dodge onto the pavement at high speed when cars went past (which, at 0300 in the morning, is reassuringly infrequent). Got home, had a shower, went to sleep. Honey mOnster home at 0800!
I was as fresh as a fish when I got up at noon on sunday. Amazing. Perhaps two nights on the sauce is the way forward? walked for her car, went to a farm shop and quested (unsuccessfully) for Rivelin quarry (apparently its rubbish anyway). Home to clean the car to within an inch of its life and then lord of the ringpieces. Lee, Adam and co all doing the quiz, and whilst tempted I dont need any more beer, plus, clearly I cannot be trusted to only have one.
On the way to work this morning I heard that Colin MaCrae has died. He was an amazing driver and Mike posted this clip on UKB, testament to the skill of the man :
I dont know why I cant embed this video. Here it is...
Bumped into Mick Adams who was very keen to join, also Fatdoc tipped me off about a place with units to let in meersbrook, popped around last night and got the number but noone is answering. From pics inside some of the units it should be plenty high enough, I shall keep thee informed.
Too much sauce and fine food for me this weekend with the family up, climbing crap.
Can I state my claim to be very motivated individual interested in joining. I can also double as Foley's evil twin!
Still have an injured hand at the moment (plus covered in resin) but would be good to catch up with y'all at some point.
Oh I also disc sanded the end of my finger off at the weekend. Bell end
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