Wednesday 9 January 2008


I got spoon fed loads of good blog titles, headings, sub-headings, amusements and so on from Paul, Dave and Lee up at the school on monday, but as soon as I left the building I forgot them all. Either I need a dictaphone or a pad and pen everywhere I go, in case I think of something interesting to write (perish the thought) or I need to be less stupid - stop gazing wistfully out the window and daydreaming.
Anyway, its Wednesday morning. I went to the board on Monday. Felt a bit sore after the boxercise thing, but not in climbing muscles - I do find that you can train antagonistic muscles so you ache, but still climb more or less unaffected. Don't do loads of dips or chest compression things though, as the pec does get used climbing. Or, in my more simplified terms - if it hurts before you start, it will hurt more when you have finished (specifically the pec). There's a point of low level ache that will disappear once you loosen up, but you probably know if you can be honest whether its too far advanced. And besides, should you really be doing anything if you ache? probably not. If thats true though theres just not enough time. Anyway, Monday board - it was cold, and super grippy as a result. Felt pretty much back on it and did some fun problem testing with Zippy.
Her sister Wendy delivered a baby girl - who will be called Jessica, yesterday morning. Mother and baby are fine. She went to inspect the baby (check it is a baby and so on) last night, and I went to the climbing works - doing more of the reds with Westie. The soon to be wed Robsonator made an unexpected appearance which was a pleasure. We flailed like floundering sea bass but had a nice time. Saw Jim on his way out with the new Font guide, he promised to smite me for wearing crocs. Honestly, I dont know what it is people dont get about them - they are the knowledge! Loads in by the time I left, including someone who started saying hello as I was leaving, but I fully didnt recognise whomever it was and was a bit standoffish. Sorry whomever you were, I dont know who you are. I think.
Finally, Foley is on the mend. Apparently he can weight bear again, and has even conquered the stairs. Back to work for him on Monday...

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